The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe by Stephen Hawking
Stephen William Hawking was a genius of this era. He was a renowned cosmologist who primarily worked on Black Holes and Gravitational Singularity theorems.
This book is an absolute gem. Every concept and theory that surrounds our vast and rather mysterious universe is beautifully explained in layman’s terms. There are seven lectures in this book each one gradually progressing from the origin to the ultimate fate of our world. The first lecture covers the past theories and the present understanding of the universe. In the second lecture, Newton’s and Einstein’s ideas about the expanding universe is discussed. Next, he talked about black holes and then the quantum physics behind the singularity. Fifth lecture talks about the quantum mechanical aspects of the formation of the universe- the Big Bang. The next lecture discusses the variations in the past and the present. Finally, the seventh lecture discusses about a unified theory which deals with all the forces and laws in this universe.
As a kid, I was always intrigued by what lies beyond Earth.
Numerous movies, TV shows and books helped paint a starry picture. This book is a basic insight of why it happened and what can happen in a very understandable manner. The mysteries in the universe may never be unravelled but who knows maybe we are closer than ever before.