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I owe a million to the fireflies

For the priceless evenings rejoiced

Wish I could record the frogs' uproar

To infuse into the silence of the "empty rain"

I desire to catch hold of the dragon flies

To get back the glory of the noon!

How I miss gazing at the moon;

Rejoicing the mystery of an eerie night

A distant howl shivering down the spine,

While diving into the tales of the "sailors' fight",

Takes me back, pulls me close;

To the little explorer, I used to be!

I love to anticipate the storm full of wrath!

That leaves behind,

The fragrance of the drenched earth

Calming the wreck of my heart.

The sober moonlight,

Dazzling up the starry night

The gratitude crescendo is never ending

For the enigma I'm rewarded with;

The ecstasy, the tranquility!

The reason to wake up merrily,

And to live up the fairy tale,

Until the last breath of mine.

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